Monday, June 18, 2012


Welcome!  This is the first of many hopefully interesting, relevant and engaging posts on my travel blog.  I'm sure if you are reading this you are probably one of my friends or family members that I have duped into reading my reflections as enter into a world that I know little about.  I know, especially in my latest adventure in Wyoming, I have been less than forthcoming with the details and happenings of my life.  I am starting this blog to primarily chronicle my thoughts as I travel but also to provide a connection for those who I have lost touch with or struggle to give the attention that they deserve. (Mom, Dad and Brother are tops on that list.)

As I post and reflect, most of the time in a selfish manner, I would love to hear from you as a friend, reader and critic.  Please use this blog as a forum and a link to the relationship that we have.  I will attempt to keep my Ego in check as I post about my writing project (more to come in a later blog post) but you should expect this blog to be a little Nic centric.  Please help to keep me balanced. 

With nerves and disbelief that my travels will soon begin, I sign off as a man swarmed by thoughts of what if and questions of what is to be.